Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Face Book Fan Box Widget

Face Book Fan Box Widget
If you have a page on face book and you would like to display your followers on your site then you can use Face Book Fan Box Widget. What you have to do just copy paste HTML code.
Changes:      You can Change the following varriables.
  • ReplaceYOURPAGENAME with you fan page name. For example i have used bestebooksclub.
  • Width and height could be changes. So change at both the places in code.width=292 & height:410px Just change the digits.
  • Colour Schemes can be changed with"light" and "dark" colorscheme=dark replace light with dark for dark scheme.
  • To show faces use true otherwise false .show_faces=true
  • To show your page updates use true
  • To show header use true otherwise false.header=true
  • Other varriables are...allowtransparency="true".....frameborder="0"...... scrolling="no"
HTML Code:

      Widget In Action:

      With Stream

      Without Stream

      Latest Updates

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